Friday, April 12, 2013

Second Day Seaing the Galilee

Check it. I'm punny! ;-)
So we started our second day with a field trip around the Sea of Galilee. Our first stop was a boat ride across the sea, which was really quite rad. 

We began our boat ride by raising the American flag and singing the national anthem... I love this picture of Sawyer and the boat worker guy raising the flag... haha--we sailed on the Sea of Galilee with an American Flag flying...

The beautiful Sea of Galilee 

Check out my cast! haha

Sarah--she was such a great sport this trip! She was my roommate and helped me do quite a bit :-)

also, she sometimes does this...

Eden and Sawyer

I somehow always end up with a ton of pictures of me laughing... oh well...

If she wasn't engaged, we would be in love... haha just kidding... ;-)

Romeo and I actually are in love... platonic love..

More laughing pictures...

I love Rachel. and also the rest of these people (Romeo, Tess, Rachel, Courtney, Kari, Tori, and Spencer)

This is a cute one...

Romeo getting all "little Mermaid" on us...

I have friends.

We read the accounts in Matthew 14 of Peter walking on water

and in Mark 4 of Jesus calming the waters

and we sang Master, the Tempest is Raging.

This was way cool.

also, a boat.

Sleepy Lindsay and Tye and John... and then there's Kara...

and again with the Sea of Galilee

Next we headed to Mt. Arbel

So when we got there, there was a perfect photo-op in the parking lot... haha

Rachel and I joke that we are married... because sometimes we act like it...

then Rachel tried to kiss me on the cheek and things got weird... haha

Sarah and myself at the top of Mt. Arbel

sick picture of Lindsey Newman...

Mt. Arbel

Next, we went to Tabgha to the church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes

This mosaic (loaves and fishes) is from the Byzantine period

The church was built in 1982 on top of the remains of a Byzantine church.

The cloister/courtyard


Lindsay taking a little nap...

The church commemorates the story in Luke 9:10-17 of Jesus multiplying the loaves and fishes to feed the multitude

more pictures outside the church...

Next we headed to Capernaum which was a town on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee and was home to Peter, Andrew, possibly Matthew, and Jesus lived there for a time too and referred to it as "his own city" (Matthew 9:1)

This is a statue of Peter

I think these signs are so funny...

We sat on these steps in the synagogue and talked about the biblical events that occurred in Capernaum

Lindsay taking another little nap ;-)

Then we sat on the edge of the sea and had a devotional there too

love this of Jenessa and Lindee

This black basalt stone would have been used at the time the Savior was there

picture in the bible of Capernaum :-)

Our final stop of the day was the Mount of Beatitudes

This church has 8 sides, each one has one of the beatitudes (found in the sermon on the mount in Matthew 5-7) written on it

The church of the Beatitudes

Sarah with the church behind her

I think this church is so beautiful!

You can see the Sea of Galilee behind those trees. Although this probably was not the exact spot where the Sermon on the Mount was given, it is still nice to commemorate the occasion

So when Romeo saw these fish, he said "No wonder Jesus was able to feed 5,000--look how big the fish were!"

I rode the bus to the bottom of the hill, but the rest of the class climbed down the mountain.

I bet that was a pretty neat experience :-)

Spencer rapping to us on the bus on the way back to Ein Gev...

That night after dinner we had a bonfire! It was so much fun!

Sarah and I being lions? I don't know...

We had a TON of laughter this trip (shocker...)

roommates :-)

playing sport-type games and chilling by the fire--perfect evening!

and the sunset was stunning.

This was another wonderful day!


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