Sunday, April 14, 2013

Chorazin, Sepphoris, Akko, and S'mores!


On our second to last day in the Galilee we went on a field trip (shocker) ;-) so here we go:

Our first stop was Chorazin, which was a town where Jesus taught. Dr. Jackson gave us a devotional where we talked about the parable of the mote and beam (see Luke 6:42)

The beam, as mentioned in the parable. The mote is a little speck that is sitting on the beam, it is hard to see (basically, it is a sliver of wood)

Here is Rachel holding the mote :-)

Some of the houses in Chorazin--this black basalt was largely used during Christ's time period.

I am blessed with strong male friends who push my wheelchair through gravel ;-)

check out the flower in Jacob's hair :-)

The Synagogue in Chorazin and the "Seat of Moses"(a replica) as talked about in Matthew 23:2

Our next stop was Sepphoris, which was the Roman capital of Galilee before Tiberias and later was the city where members of the Sanhedrin lived and completed the Mishnah.

There are some really neat mosaics in the synagogue in Sepphoris--here we are discussing them.

So a group of school children came to also look at the mosaics and Dr. J instructed Sarah and Sawyer to stop them from coming in...which they did...that was pretty entertaining...

This is a Crusader citadel (I don't really know why it is there, but whatever!)

While everyone else climbed to the top of the Crusader citadel building, I took this artistic picture of my crutches

I thought this was a funny sign-- "It is forbidden to wet or stand..." and "no dogs allawed"

The theater in Sepphoris--Tori sang for us (she has a beautiful opera-type voice)

This mosaic is the "Mona Lisa of the Galilee" and was on the dining room of a house

more mosaics--this one has a Nileometer on it, which is a device used to measure the depth of the Nile... I guess it was a sign of wealth to have that in your home, because we are nowhere near the Nile river...

Dr. J is pointing to a manger. (a stone food trough for animals) The Savior was likely laid to rest as a baby in a manger like this one. 

the view from our picnic spot in Sepphoris

I love Van Swag :-)

Lindee and Jenessa--I don't know why I always take creeper pictures, but I do. oh well. ;-)

our final stop was Akko. We went and watched a movie about Akko and then the group went on a tour under some tunnels and stuff, but I was unable to go because of my leg so I took a nap on the bus for an hour or two. :-) So here  is my picture of Akko! haha

also, everyone laid out on the ground in the sun--doesn't this look like we all belong at BYU? haha ;-)

That night after dinner we got together for a campfire and roasted s'mores and got all nostalgic and stuff. It was really great :-)

The beautiful sunset on our last night in Galilee

Roasting marshmallows

our group around the fire--somehow there was a guitar and singing involved and it felt like a Christian-Rock EFY finale or something... but it was memorable ;-)

What a wonderful final night! :-)


1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous sunset at Galilee. I'm so happy you have strong guys to push your wheel chair :)
