Monday, February 18, 2013

Valentines Day

Chag Sameach!

That means "Happy Holiday" in Hebrew :-) I know this greeting is a bit delayed, but oh well :-) I had a lovely Valentines day at the JC. We are not allowed to date while on the program (they don't want it to be a distraction, so no PDA and no official relationships while we are here) so I really loved having a Valentines day with a group of 80 single people who are all celebrating together, it was fun :-)

My sweet roommate Sarina heart attacked my bed :-) 

Romeo put this awesome Valentine on our door for Sara--I don't remember if I posted about this before, but a few weeks ago, guy in our group (John) was walking on the 2nd floor and we could see him from our 3rd floor balcony. He stopped and chatted and it was such a perfect Romeo and Juliet set-up that I made him and Sara pose for the picture, and since then I have called him Romeo. Now everyone (including our professors) call him John-Romeo. I am extremely proud of myself for coming up with a nickname and then having it stick so well :-) 

best. valentine. ever. (this is Sawyer)

Paige writing her thoughtful Valentines :-)

writing Valentines for each other. love it.

We had a dance at night to celebrate, and this is a great photo from the "photo booth" outside of the dance. Kate and Kara.

dance party! Kara is to the left with the pink headband. My roommate Sara is to the right with the red hair :-)

Lindee, Lizzie, and Camilla


Dance circle :-)

Apparently, everyone knows the dance to the Gangham style song, and Tyler (who served a mission in Korea?) knows every word. It was pretty entertaining...

We had a blast! If you can tell, some of the people are wearing headlamps (they were on the strobe light setting) to add some pzazz to the party :-)

Skylar my bff didn't want to dance, but I dragged him into the gym and made him dance :-)

Skylar finally started dancing on his own :-) He is next to Romeo

Anne can dance. What a champ!

Chloe and her rad moves

Tori and Eden


Chloe, aka "DJ Sukran" (sukran means "thank you" in arabic)

Valentines Day was so much fun! I loved it :-)


1 comment:

  1. hahaha...this whole post made me laugh and smile, all the way through!! :-) And I couldn't help but think back to your childhood dance demo of "shakin' it boys!!!" haha oh, you've changed (or not!!) haha Love you!! xoxo :-)
