Sunday, February 10, 2013

Homemade Cookies

Happy Sunday!

I love Sundays. We have the whole day off, and since we have our Sabbath day on Saturday here, our Sunday is basically our "Saturday." So I am catching up on pictures and blogging and homework and stuff (I went out into the city with friends earlier this morning, and I'll post about that later). 

Anyway. So last Monday we were lucky enough to have FHE at the Bench's apartment! For those of you who don't know, in LDS (Mormon) culture we typically reserve Monday nights as a "family night" and spend family time together. Since we are all single college students, we are split into FHE (family home evening) groups. I think technically they call it "Home Evening" when it is a group of single students together, but whatever... So my fhe group here (about 10 students) went to bake cookies at the Bench's apartment. The Benches are a senior volunteer couple that are from the US in charge of housing here. They have a kitchen and have a bigger apartment than the students, so we were excited to be invited to their place for the evening!

Bethany, Ashley, and Courtney

Tori and Sarah mixing the dough

Ashley and Courtney getting ready to put the dough on cookie sheets

Preston, Brother Bench, and Dustin hanging out

Courtney and Tynamite (Tye) with the fresh cookies.

It was so great to be able to bake and have homemade baked goods for the first time in a month... I love my fhe family :-)



  1. Awww...that is neat. Glad you feel like you have "family" nearby! The cookies look wonderful! :-)

  2. Did they use different ingredients? Just curious what their grocery stores are like in Jerusalem! Looks like fun!

  3. I think they have most of the same things here... I believe we used "crisco" instead of butter, but I think for the most part the ingredients were similar :-) From what I can tell, they have pretty much all the same types of food here, but most people eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and pita, hummus, meat (lots of shwarma, fish, chicken, lamb, beef, etc.), falafel, etc...
