Monday, April 15, 2013

Happy Birthday to ME!!!

Yom Huledet Sameach (to me)!!!

That is Happy Birthday in Hebrew :-) So on April 14th I turned 20! I actually had a really great day! Unfortunately, I was unable to go on the field trip (to Masada, Qumran and the Dead Sea) because of my leg, but that just gives me a reason to come back to the Holy Land soon! haha ;-) I had a nice morning to myself and was able to have time to write in my journal, do personal scripture study, set some life goals, take a shower, etc... It was peaceful :-) Then I went to the doctor for a checkup (I got my leg x-rayed again, and it is healing well). When I got back, I skyped with my wonderful parents for 2 hours, which was really great! Then my friends got home from the field trip and Katie and Sarah (and David--we needed a guy because it was after dark, so he was a good sport and came with us) took me out to dinner in West J! Then later that night I skyped with my sister Amy and her cute family, so that was great too! All in all it was a wonderful birthday! Here is some photo evidence:

Look! It's my B-irthday! yay! 

I had Taylor take some pictures of me because I'm a narcissus like that... also, it was a really beautiful day and the flowers are blooming like mad and I wanted photo evidence of me turning 20 ;-)

check it. I live here.

Also, look at me balancing! I'm getting really good at it!

I love this with the wheelchair in the background... haha

You should all take a moment to stop and smell the roses, because they are beautiful and also they smell nice. 

Oh hey there beautiful sunshine!

The roses all around the center are blooming and they are BEAUTIFUL!!! What a great birthday treat :-)

So usually for birthdays, everyone sings "Happy Birthday" during dinner and you blow out a candle on whatever dessert we are having that night. Since I was going out to dinner, I though I could escape the such luck! haha ;-) Everyone was so sweet and came up to where I was (getting ready to leave on the top floor) and sang to me there. I took a few screen shots from the video recording of everyone singing :-)

So as soon as everyone surrounded me and started singing, the elevator opened behind me and MORE people got out and joined the singing. And then as soon as the singing was over, they got back in the elevator and rode down. hahaha, it was hilarious!

Blowing out my birthday candle--thanks Jenessa :-)

Everyone here is so sweet to me :-)

I love these people!

I hope my birthday wish comes true! ;-)

Me, Sarah, and Katie crammed in the back of the taxi on our way to dinner...

Sarah did not fit very well #tallpersonproblems

So turns out that everything was closed because it was a holiday (yesterday was Memorial day and today is Independence day to honor Israeli soldiers and Independence). So we got to the restaurant and it was closed... awk... but we wandered around a bit and found this place that was open! It ended up being really great food and we were very happy! Also, it was really neat because while we were sitting there, a siren went off (all over Israel) and everyone (all over Israel) who wanted to participate stood and had a moment of silence while the siren was going off to honor the holiday. It was really cool to be in a crowded restaurant and see everyone stop what they were doing and stand for a moment of silence. We stood too, and it was a really neat experience.

Hebrew menu (those prices are in shekels, which is kinda like Monopoly money...)

My wonderful cousin, Katie and I celebrating my 20th birthday--I love her!!! We had such a great time! I am so thankful that I was able to celebrate my birthday with such great family and friends!

So turns out the restaurant we went to was a hotel restaurant. We had no idea... haha--whatever! It worked out perfectly because when we left (through the hotel entrance, we had entered through a different entrance) we were on a main street and there were plenty of taxis all around :-)

After dinner we tried to hail a cab, it took about 3 or 4 before we found a driver who both spoke English and knew where the Mormon University was... it was actually really funny and I loved it. :-)

Also, the Benches (the service couple over housing) are the sweetest people EVER. They brought me a pint of Ben & Jerry's ice cream for a birthday treat :-) How great is that?! So I was pretty much thrilled and it was the best thing ever.

And the goodness continues! My professor and his family gave me a gift of mud from the dead sea and a post card from Masada because I wasn't able to go on the field trip. They are the nicest people! I am so blessed to be around great people while I am here!

So basically my birthday was the best thing ever. And now I'm 20 which means I should probably stop acting immature and stuff because I am out of the awkward teenage years (although I don't feel any less awkward yet)... 

And now I am going to leave you with 20 things I have learned in my 20 years of life (in no particular order and with no particular meaning, as I am still young enough to not know anything!):

1. Don't kiss strangers...It may sound fun, but it probably is not. (not that I know that from experience...)
2. Rock out as often as possible--Life is meant to be lived.
3. Family matters. like a lot. In fact, family is the central aspect of earth life and I treasure mine. 
4. Some classes are not "cheering classes" and you should probably not cheer if it is not a cheering class... don't ask... ;-)
5. Sometimes you should take 9,000 pictures and other times you should just enjoy the moment
6. There are times to party and times to be reverent, recognize them.
7. Karamel Sutra is the best Ben & Jerry's ice cream flavor, but in actuality, any flavor of ice cream is great as long as it is not fruit flavored.
8. If you end up standing on a toilet seat as a 2nd grader, only "tell on yourself" if you want to be teased for the rest of eternity by your loving family ;-)
9. Do not sit on a cactus, even if it seems like it would be funny. Your siblings will laugh, but then your mom will have to pull all of the cactus needles out of your butt and that is not fun. (thanks mom!) 
10. Be friends with everyone! We are all humans trying to figure out this place we call earth.
11. Never allow your father to vollunteer you to recite dramatic monologues at Thanksgiving. It only makes you feel awkward and also, it's kindof a downer. And I feel awkward thinking about it right now.
12. Study hard, but don't stress. It'll all get done. In the end everything is going to be okay, so if it's not okay, it's not the end.
13. If your pants feel loose, tighten them. Don't ignore them, or they will fall around your ankles.
14. There is no reason to show people a negative attitude. Be positive, even if you are not happy. Sometimes faking it helps you make it. 
15. Priesthood blessings are really great. Be humble enough to ask for them as often as needed. 
16. Allow others to help you. Sometimes it is our turn to serve, and other times it is our turn to be served. 
17. There is always enough room in your closet for another pair of shoes, especially if they are heels.
18. The gospel is true, even if the members of the church are not always. Also, Don't judge another person for choosing to sin differently than you do.
19. God loves you. I am a daughter of God with divine potential and I am a worthy, worthwhile person who is actually pretty special. Also, each and every person on this earth is VERY special. Love everyone, especially yourself. 
20. Most importantly, the atonement is real. Jesus Christ atoned for my sins, and the sins of the world. Through His great and last sacrifice, all things are fulfilled. We can all be made physically and spiritually whole through Him. If you understand that truth, life doesn't seem so hard.

Some things I think, other things I believe, and still others I know. The most important thing that I know is that God lives. That He loves me, and that His son, my elder brother Jesus Christ is my Redeemer. I know that I am part of the restored church of Jesus Christ on the earth today. I am thankful every day of my life for my membership in God's gospel. I am thankful for my parents and siblings. It's been a wild 20 years, there have been ups and downs, but it has been a marvelous ride. My heart is full of gratitude. I look forward to a lifetime of adventures ahead of me. I know I am still so young and I have so much more to learn! I am so excited to keep progressing on this earth. 

I love you all! Thanks for the impact on my life that you have all had!


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Adventures in Galilee: Denouement


So on our final day in Galilee, we boarded the bus with all our stuff and went on a field trip on our way back to the JC. So here we go:

Before breakfast, I finally went out the the beach and took a picture on the shores of the Sea of Galilee and bent over and touched it (I couldn't swim because I can't get my cast wet).

Our first stop was Mt. Carmel which is where Elijah killed all the wicked priests of Baal (see 1 Kings 18)

Sarah and I look like the statue of Elijah and a priest of Baal! :-)

this is the view from Mt. Carmel of the Jezreel Valley 

Katie and myself on Mt. Carmel

Next, we went to an overlook in Haifa. Behind me is the beautiful city of Haifa. 

overlooking Haifa--Sarah, Me, and Katie

This is Haifa!

This is the Baha'i gardens, which is the world headquarters of the Baha'i faith and the tomb of the Bab, who started the faith. (here is the link to the wikipedia page if you are interested in knowing more about that faith.)

in the gardens overlooking Haifa--it was BEAUTIFUL!

Here is a shot of the Baha'i gardens from below

We stopped at this cemetery in Haifa where there are several members of the LDS church buried. We had a little devotional here and had some reflective time in the cemetary which was really nice.

These two graves--Adolf Hagg and John Clark were both missionaries in Haifa who died after contracting smallpox and were buried here (this happened in the late 1800s). The broken pillar on the top of their graves signifies a life cut short.

Our last stop was Caesarea Maritima, which was a magnificent city built by Herod the Great and was a place that Phillip, Peter, and Paul visited as missionaries.

Also, it was beautiful, so we took some pictures :-)

This one is my favorite :-) 

Mikkel, Tye the other cripple, Romeo, Skylar, Spencer Ngatuvai, Lindsay, Spencer Andersen, Kara, and myself the cripple. 

photo with Romeo

we had fun in the hippodrome having races--here Ragan, Jacob, and Spencer are attempting to "chariot race" haha ;-)

I took a few screen shots of this video of us racing--it was pretty epic.

check out behind Mikkel and me, Sawyer and Jacob totally fall on their faces... it was hilarious. 

I think Tori and Romeo won the race :-)

Mikkel (my nickname for him is "Shoulders") and I after we won the wheelchair devision of the race...

And then there was an "all girls" race... this reminds me of that divine comedy music video with all the girls running in the wedding dresses (Provo Utah Girls) haha ;-)

we saw this couple taking wedding pictures here--it was really neat! 

and another picture by the harbor in Caesarea

and here are two artsy pictures for you :-)

this guy was out on the rocks fishing :-)

Galilee was awesome! I loved it and can't believe my time in Jerusalem is coming to an end so quickly!
