Thursday, May 2, 2013

Happy Birthday Professor Stratford!

Happy Birthday Stratford!!!

So on one of our last Friday nights (maybe our last one...I don't remember...) we threw a birthday party for Professor Stratford. Stratford decided to assign a costume to each of the guys in our group (girls could choose what they wanted to dress up as, because in Stratford's words "we only objectify men here.") and we created costumes out of our collective wardrobes :-)

The group dressed up: (top row) Nacho Libre, Draco Malfoy, Happy clown, Smokey the Bear, dairy cow, Sawyer Barrett as Himself, Emperor Kuzko, Kronk, Elder Pearson (Matt's dad), Toucan Sam, Dwight and Angela from The Office, (middle) Professor Stratford and Professor Stratford, (bottom) Justin Bieber, Cowboy, David Cassidy, trained monkey, Justin Timberlake, Lebron James, Wolverine, Romeo, (front) Sad clown.

We set up a little catwalk and had a great runway show :-) It was pretty much the best and most EPIC night ever.

Toucan Sam (Tye), Kronk (Mikkel), and Wolverine (Preston)

Justin Bieber and groupies

Stratford assigned Ben to dress up as one of the trained monkeys, but instead, Ben borrowed some of Stratford's things from Sister Stratford, and came dressed as Ed. :-)

Stratford and his clowns--look how happy our wonderful professor is! 

The Sad and happy clowns--my favorite!

So this is possibly one of my favorite memories of Jerusalem. Hunter was running late for the party-- he was booking it up the stairs (in his full clown attire as pictured) As he reached the top of the stairs, he literally bumped into President Uchtdorf (who was staying at the JC over the weekend). This was the  exchange:
President Uchtdorf: You're a clown.
Hunter: Yes sir, I am.
President Uchtdorf: this is for a party tonight?
Hunter: yes, we are throwing a birthday party for our professor
President Uchtdorf: and how old is he?
Hunter: umm 45?
President Uchtdorf: I see...
and then Hunter quickly left and arrived at the party :-)

Ann dressed up as an old lady ;-)

Me and Romeo :-)

Nachooooooo (and Rachel, who is either homeless or someone from The Ring or something... haha)

Nikki didn't really dress up think I'm kidding, but I'm not...

Professor and Sister Stratford shared a dance in front of everyone--it was pretty cute :-)

with two of my favorite people--I seriously love the Stratford family so much!

It was so much fun and I think Stratford had a great birthday!


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