Sunday, February 3, 2013

Jordan: Day 1

Greetings from Jordan!!!

Well, technically I am back in Jerusalem... but earlier this week we were in Jordan :-) Last Monday (January 28th) we left for Jordan and we were gone for four days. I'm going to split it into four posts, because we were so busy!!! So here we go!

20 Israeli Shekels, 20 Jordanian Dinars, 20 US Dollars

It took a few hours to cross the border into Jordan (we had to get out of the bus, go through the checkpoint on foot and then get on a Jordanian bus on the other side...

Our first stop in Jordan was Mount Nebo. It was a bit hazy, but still a pretty rad view :-)

Mount Nebo--Where Moses was translated and overlooked the Promised Land

On the Bus--Courtney, Tess, and Sawyer started a little braiding circle...

braiding hair...

Our next stop was Madaba:

Apparently, Madaba is famous for mosaics and they were for sale pretty much everywhere

In this Greek Orthodox church, there is a mosaic of the Holy Land which was really important for later archaeologists to figure out the geographical layout of the Holy Land (this is a picture of a poster with the whole mosaic)

This is the actual mosaic :-)

Jerusalem on the mosaic map!!!

Me and Sara Van Swagggg in front of the Greek Orthodox Church (she and I were roommates in Jordan)

Next we headed to lunch:

On our walk to lunch, I saw this building... Notice the stairs don't quite go up to the top...

Me and Anne at lunch :-)

Our Dinner in our Wadi Musa/Petra hotel had life entertainment :-)

After lunch, we got in the bus and headed to Petra, where we stayed for the night and on our second day in Jordan, we visited Petra :-)

Day one was great! 


1 comment:

  1. Yea for Jordan! What a great trip for you guys... The food looks de-lish! :-)
